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Here are the show details again in case you would like to print them out.
Date: 18th September, 2022
Venue: Beenleigh Showgrounds
General Admission
The general public are welcome to attend from 6am for the swap meet.
General admission is $5 per person with kids under 12 free, which also includes entry to the car show. This is a morning event, visitors should attend between 6am and 2pm.
Public Parking
Street parking restrictions in the area are enforced. Public are advised to use the free off-street parking via Milne Street.
Car Show
No pre-registration is required, simply pay general admission of $5 per person at the gate. There is no additional cost to display your vehicle. Display vehicles may enter from James Street from 6am. All vehicles are requested to remain on the oval until noon.
Swap Meet
Swap sites are $10 per site, plus a general admission fee of $5 per person. Site holders may enter via Showgrounds Drive from 5am. Swap Meet begins at 6am.
The show is only made possible with the support of many sponsors. We sincerely thank our many supporters and ask that you support them where possible. Sponsorship enquiries for future events may be directed to
View this year's amazing sponsors below. We'd appreciate you supporting them!
Trade Stands
The show attracts dozens of vendor stalls offering performance parts and services, hot rod apparel and collectables. Trade stand enquiries may be directed to Hank on 0411 636 293.
Low Brow Art Show
Each year a building is reserved for a selection of automotive and Kustom Kulture inspired art, from photography to canvas to sculpture and more. Artists are encouraged to participate in this free attraction.
Enquiries should be directed to Kerry Grey on 0418 582 714,
Sorry, no dogs allowed on site please.
The Beenleigh Show Society reserves all catering rights, however enquiries should be directed to the Eliminators HRACC on 0428 867 015. There is a fully licenced bar on site.
Each year a portion of the proceeds are donated to worthy charities within the Logan community.
General Enquiries
Further enquiries should be directed to the club on 0428 867 015 or